Belly Flattening Breakfast Options
12 November 2011
Nothing ages a person more than a protruding belly. Need weight-loss help? This will make a big belly difference: Start your day with a high-protein breakfast (think eggs). This shifts your appetite into neutral, where it will idle happily till lunch. Add some fiber to the meal, such as whole-wheat toast, and you’ll curb afternoon cravings. Imagine getting halfway through a day of healthy weight loss without needing any willpower! That’s because having plenty of protein and fiber early keeps you fueled and full for hours.
Not an egg lover? Have oatmeal topped with walnuts or smear peanut butter on your whole-wheat toast. Ready to just grab the toast solo as you zoom out the door? Think again. You’ll be elbow-deep in the candy bowl before lunch.
Block Snack Attacks with Protein
If you don’t get a certain amount of protein each day, but especially in the morning, your appetite shifts into snack-attack mode. Not only do you overeat but you eat high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar snacks – the kinds of foods that go straight to your waistline and make your belly bigger.
Adults usually get plenty of protein, just not in the morning. About half get none because they skip breakfast entirely, which is another reason breakfast skippers tend to put on pounds. They haven’t eaten since the night before, so their bodies get panicky by mid-morning, wondering when/if the next meal is coming. The result? Their bodies start storing calories instead of burning them.
Successful weight loss, which includes not gaining back your hard-lost pounds, is about staying full, not going hungry. Hunger and cravings are your enemies. Feeling full and content are your allies. Morning protein and fiber? They’re your secret weapons.
Nothing ages a person more than a protruding belly. Need weight-loss help? This will make a big belly difference: Start your day with a high-protein breakfast (think eggs). This shifts your appetite into neutral, where it will idle happily till lunch. Add some fiber to the meal, such as whole-wheat toast, and you’ll curb afternoon cravings. Imagine getting halfway through a day of healthy weight loss without needing any willpower! That’s because having plenty of protein and fiber early keeps you fueled and full for hours.
Not an egg lover? Have oatmeal topped with walnuts or smear peanut butter on your whole-wheat toast. Ready to just grab the toast solo as you zoom out the door? Think again. You’ll be elbow-deep in the candy bowl before lunch.
Block Snack Attacks with Protein
If you don’t get a certain amount of protein each day, but especially in the morning, your appetite shifts into snack-attack mode. Not only do you overeat but you eat high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar snacks – the kinds of foods that go straight to your waistline and make your belly bigger.
Adults usually get plenty of protein, just not in the morning. About half get none because they skip breakfast entirely, which is another reason breakfast skippers tend to put on pounds. They haven’t eaten since the night before, so their bodies get panicky by mid-morning, wondering when/if the next meal is coming. The result? Their bodies start storing calories instead of burning them.
Successful weight loss, which includes not gaining back your hard-lost pounds, is about staying full, not going hungry. Hunger and cravings are your enemies. Feeling full and content are your allies. Morning protein and fiber? They’re your secret weapons.

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