Laser Treatments Are Not All I Do…
6 August 2009

Secrets of Asia's Most Successful Internet Gurus - out end of this week in all major bookstores!
Sorry for the lack of laser treatment reviews, I’ve been busy getting ready for the launch of my third book, Secrets Of Asia’s Most Successful Internet Gurus – which will be out end of this week in all major bookstores and on This book is very special to me because it incited my passion for internet marketing and I have also learnt a lot of secret techniques from these gurus during my interviews with them.
I’m also working on my fourth book which is still secret…
Laser treatment reviews will resume in the next two weeks. I have some exciting big-name companies coming onboard to share their goodies with you readers and more interesting anti aging treatments will be coming up – IPL breast firming, hair rejuvenation, non-surgical face lift and more.
Stay tuned!

Secrets of Asia's Most Successful Internet Gurus - out end of this week in all major bookstores!
Sorry for the lack of laser treatment reviews, I’ve been busy getting ready for the launch of my third book, Secrets Of Asia’s Most Successful Internet Gurus – which will be out end of this week in all major bookstores and on This book is very special to me because it incited my passion for internet marketing and I have also learnt a lot of secret techniques from these gurus during my interviews with them.
I’m also working on my fourth book which is still secret…
Laser treatment reviews will resume in the next two weeks. I have some exciting big-name companies coming onboard to share their goodies with you readers and more interesting anti aging treatments will be coming up – IPL breast firming, hair rejuvenation, non-surgical face lift and more.
Stay tuned!

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