My anti aging routine
16 December 2009

Glowing skin after laser treatments!
I only started looking after my skin in my late 20s. Before that, I used to abuse it by applying dark tanning oil and baking in the sun for hours every weekend. Fortunately, I was able to reverse the damage and I’m happy to say that I still get mistaken for a 20-something (even though I’m in my 30s) and people often compliment me on my skin.
Here’s some of my tried-and-tested methods:
1. Drink a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning. This detoxifies your system and apparently helps with weight loss too!
2. Quitting smoking and starting on an exercise programme! Exercising encourages blood circulation. Poor circulation restricts the blood and oxygen flow and reduces the nutrients your skin is getting. I strive to run, do Pilates and swim every week.
3. Scrub daily with a gentle exfoliater to encourage renewal of skin cells. I used to do dry body brushing once a week to improve circulation but became lazy…
4. Use a sunblock of at least SPF 30 – I like La Roche Posay which is available at Guardian. Just bought Shiseido’s Anessa range to try.
5. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and less meat. I try to eat organic food to reduce chemicals and also not consume processed food like snacks, etc. Too much processed food clogs up your system, resulting in dull skin.
6. Taking flaxseed which contains Vit B and Omega 3 for glossy hair, strong nails and younger looking skin. I sprinkle it into my cereal or onto my peanut butter toast. It is crunchy and has a nutty flavout.
7. I’ve also been doing laser treatments for the last few months and I have to say that its given my skin a youthful pinkish glow and my complexion is more even!
Like they say, there are no ugly women, just LAZY ones! What is your anti aging routine?

Glowing skin after laser treatments!
I only started looking after my skin in my late 20s. Before that, I used to abuse it by applying dark tanning oil and baking in the sun for hours every weekend. Fortunately, I was able to reverse the damage and I’m happy to say that I still get mistaken for a 20-something (even though I’m in my 30s) and people often compliment me on my skin.
Here’s some of my tried-and-tested methods:
1. Drink a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning. This detoxifies your system and apparently helps with weight loss too!
2. Quitting smoking and starting on an exercise programme! Exercising encourages blood circulation. Poor circulation restricts the blood and oxygen flow and reduces the nutrients your skin is getting. I strive to run, do Pilates and swim every week.
3. Scrub daily with a gentle exfoliater to encourage renewal of skin cells. I used to do dry body brushing once a week to improve circulation but became lazy…
4. Use a sunblock of at least SPF 30 – I like La Roche Posay which is available at Guardian. Just bought Shiseido’s Anessa range to try.
5. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and less meat. I try to eat organic food to reduce chemicals and also not consume processed food like snacks, etc. Too much processed food clogs up your system, resulting in dull skin.
6. Taking flaxseed which contains Vit B and Omega 3 for glossy hair, strong nails and younger looking skin. I sprinkle it into my cereal or onto my peanut butter toast. It is crunchy and has a nutty flavout.
7. I’ve also been doing laser treatments for the last few months and I have to say that its given my skin a youthful pinkish glow and my complexion is more even!
Like they say, there are no ugly women, just LAZY ones! What is your anti aging routine?

My anti-aging routine is simple…I drink my Daily dosage of MonaVie ACTIVE! With it being so NUTRIENT-rich and so full of ANTIOXIDANTS, I find that it really works! (
Danny Salomon, Vice President at United Holdings Group, has developed the world’s first Anti-Aging App™ for iPad. The Anti-Aging iPad App helps heal various ailments from Wrinkles, Acne, Cellulite, and even Hair Growth Stimulation through color light and sound therapy. The healing strategy makes use of the wavelengths of light and sound in order to stimulate the body’s natural defense systems.
Omega 3 oil can really help your heart and arteries so take a sip of it regularly.`;:
calcium panthothenate supplements are also known to make the nails and hair healther and stronger,”~