Fighting Fat

Fat loss with LipoSelection
Women in Singapore are obsessed about losing weight. Case in point: all the ads in the papers are from slimming centres (or bust enhancement places!). A recent survey with my readers of also reveal that weight loss is a popular topic. That is why my editorial in January for will be about body sculpting and fat loss. A very apt topic for now, me thinks, what with the end of the festive season and before Chinese New Year.
Here are some interesting facts about fats:
We are born with 10 billion fat cells. According to researchers from the University of California who studied about 180 infants for 15 years, this number of fat cells then grows through late childhood and early puberty after which it is pretty much set. A person at a healthy weight may have 30 to 40 billion fat cells, while an obese person can have up to 100 billion fat cells! Women generally inherit more fat cells at 35 billion compared to 26 billion in men. Fat cells increase in size, but not in number when we gain weight as adults.
It was found that the number of fat cells you have stays constant in adulthood and this number is largely determined during the teenage years. So if life seems unfair, perhaps it was something you ate in your teens!
My Body Sculpting special will feature a fat loss expert who will answer questions from readers. Questions like:
- What exercises are best for weight loss?
- I would like to lose 5 kilos by next month for my wedding, what are the best options?
- What is the difference between liposuction and LipoSelection?
- How much fat can be removed and what happens to my excess skin?
- And more…
The Body Sculpting special will also feature a Vaser LipoSelection treatment review and I will need a candidate for this. If you are keen, join my Facebook Fan Page on the upper-right hand column and post “I want to try out LipoSelection” on the wall.
For more information about LipoSelection, go here:

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