New Aesthetics Magazine Out In July
Say hello to the new contributing editor of Aesthetics Beauty Guide (ABG), a new aesthetics magazine coming out in July. It’s about time someone came out with a magazine like this seeing that the demand for aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgery has surged to over $200 million in Singapore alone!
From skin rejuvenation treatments to aesthetic surgery, Singapore has become a veritable hub for these procedures and there is a critical mass of eager customers clamouring for the latest anti aging treatment to enhance their looks. However, the wide array of treatments available, numerous medical professionals and state of the art facilities can be mind-boggling and frankly, a little intimidating for the uninitiated – and this is where we come in.
ABG aims to bridge the information gap between these medical professionals and their treatments. When I first started, my intention was to hunt for the best treatments available and review them so that my readers will know what it entails. I also sought to look for the best aesthetic doctors for my readers to go to. My partnership with ABG has enabled me to bring my vast knowledge off-line to educate even more people!
Just like many of you, I want to stop Father Time in its tracks and do this in the most natural and best way possible. In these 10 months doing “research” for, I’ve tried almost 20 treatments and looking at my skin now, it is definitely at its peak – glowing, radiant and taut. That’s why I am a huge believer in how much aesthetic treatments can help you get better skin or maintain your complexion for many years to come!
Look out for ABG which will hit newstands in July in a sophisticated and trendy print guidebook format. It will be published every six months. In the meantime, check out my anti aging website, for the latest in aesthetic treatments and technology.

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