Hello 2011!
I ushered in the new year on a friend’s boat sailing across Marina Bay, I’d like to think that this means I’ll have my head above water in 2011 no matter what happens! The day started off early in the afternoon and with more than nine hours to midnight, I had plenty of time to do some reflection (ok, I’ll stop with the water references!) on my life.
Blessed is the first word that jumps into my head when I did that. In my life, I have gotten most of what I wanted, and if I didn’t, those things were not important after a while. I won’t bore you with my super-long gratitude list, however, I must say that I am most thankful for my wonderful health, strong network of friends and family, fulfilling work that allows me time to indulge in my other past-times (yoga, etc) and being financially able to buy whatever I want and travel at whim. What more can a person ask for, really?
This past year has been amazing - workwise, I feel like I’ve really grown and expanded my repertoire, my fitness level is at its peak and I visited four countries. I always count my blessings mind you, but yesterday was somewhat more poignant as it was the cusp of a new year.
Being quiet and listening to the people around me (which is what I like to do usually), our chatter centred around trying new experiences, wanting to travel more (or less!), starting a new fitness regime, how our pets did at doggy school, amongst other fun but mundane subjects. Not once did we talk about the scarcity of food, life-threatening diseases, recession, natural calamities or violent crimes – issues that are very pertinent around the world, even for our close neighbours. We are all indeed blessed! Appreciate your life as it is, because it will always be as it is – good or bad, it’s all in your perception.
In case you’re wondering what this article has to do with anti-aging? It doesn’t but you still read it right? Haha. Happy new year everyone!

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