Posts Tagged skincare tips

Eat Pig’s Skin For Good Skin?

28 May 2011

Apparently so, says Lily Kew, founder of GLOW Aesthetics. And, if you look at this 40-year-old’s taut and glowing skin, it must work! She shares more skin secrets here:

The clichéd answer would be to eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water and consume less salt in foods. However, I am going to share a secret my grandmother has passed down to me. 

Believe it or not, you need to eat pigs’ skin and make sure you shave off the layer of excess fat; just eat the skin itself. You can find this commonly as a key ingredient in kway chap at your local hawker centre. You can also find pigs’ skin at some yong tau foo shops.

Apart from this, another food that contributes to good skin is chicken feet, which you will normally find served as one of many dim sum dishes. Alternatively, if you were to cook chicken feet with red dates, wolfberries and peanuts, I promise this will give you skin that everyone will be envious of.

Another food that will give you good skin is white fungus. I suggest these foods because they are high in collagen and fats. Once consumed; they provide your skin with natural moisture which prevents the formation of wrinkles, and creates a barrier prohibiting UV rays from damaging your skin and thus prevents pigmentation. The collagen gives your skin added firmness.

To read her full article, get a copy of Aesthetics & Beauty Guide December issue, in newstands and petrol kiosks now!

How Young Is Your Skin?

18 February 2011

Ever since I hit my 30s, I’ve been kinda obsessed with my skin. Which is why I started so that I can review all the anti-aging treatments out there for other skin-obsessed people.

When it comes to determining your complexion’s age, your ID  tells only part of the story. Lifestyle habits — diet, sleep schedule and sun exposure — complicate the results. And if that’s not confusing enough, choosing the best way to turn back the clock on your skin’s appearance can be so baffling, that you’ll probably end up confused not glowing.

Many factors can affect your skin health. Factors such as:

1. Lifestyle habits – if you smoke and think sunscreen is only for triathletes, you’re in skin trouble!  

2.  Whether you do outdoor sports  or exercise in general – the heart-thumping, sweaty sort; walking around the office does not count as exercise

3. Diet – eating lots of leafy greens, citrus fruit, red tomatoes and salmon will put you in good stead

4. Family genes – if your mum constantly gets mistaken as your sister, you’re in good hands

5. Mental health – if stress is your best friend, you’ll probably look like your grandma in no time

6. Skincare – finding the right skincare is like finding your soulmate

Here’s how to look even younger and keep that glow going strong!

Your skin is plump and regenerates regularly, bringing healthy cells to the surface,. Whether you’ve always avoided the sun (smart move) or past sun sins haven’t reared their wrinkly head yet, make “I heart SPF” your mantra. Gentle anti-agers like a good moisturiser at night, will keep skin so healthy that you will continue to be asked for your ID at clubs.

OK, you don’t get carded anymore, but no one’s calling you “aunty” either. Smile lines are shallow, freckles may be getting darker or your skin simply isn’t as smooth or dewy as it once was. Coax your complexion into looking and behaving more like it did a decade ago with potent over-the-counter products. There’s still time to prevent deeper wrinkles and sun spots.  

Here,  Mom and Dad genes play a crucial role in how skin ages.  Here’s the bad first: your skin has definitely aged. The good news: Woes such as dullness, fine lines and brown splotches are reversible. Tried-and-true topicals and glow-restoring peels can minimise wrinkles and discoloration in several weeks. If you smoke, extinguish your habit for faster results.

Skin never forgets, and it’s reminding you of every freakin’ ray of sun that found your SPF-less cheeks over the years, but here’s the silver lining: Breakthrough treatments such as lasers refresh rough skin, erase sun spots and iron out wrinkles in a flash, shaving off years and making those sun-drenched memories even more distant.

My Great Skin Guide

7 October 2009
Cardio exercises

Cardio exercises

Just came back from a great run up Mt Faber with my puppy. Doing cardio not only keeps your body strong and young, it can also improve your complexion.  Blood starts pumping in your face, drawing oxygen to your skin, giving you an instant radiant complexion. And, it’s free!

Even though I am a big believer in laser treatments, I also believe in being holistic. Doing thousand-dollar caviar facials and laser treatments every month will not help you if you smoke, are stressed and eat rubbish. Your skin is your body’s largest organ. When your internal organs are working well,  your skin glows and is taut.

Yoga for relaxation

Yoga for relaxation

I started looking after myself better in my late 20s. I quit smoking and began an exercise regime –  pilates and yoga to relax and running for cardio, ate more fruits and vegetables – choosing food with high omega like salmon for its skin loving properties. I cut back on sugar as too much of it ages skin. I also tried to relax more – to be more aware of the present, less worrying and being content. Having a balanced nervous system not only does wonders for your skin, but also makes you a more fun person to be around!

I think that all my efforts have paid well (on top of the laser treatments I try for my work) as I often get mistaken for my younger sister :)

How about you? Do you have any skin care tips to share?