Posts Tagged TOUCHE Elite

Where I’ll Be Tomorrow…Join Me!

3 December 2010

National Day goodies!

7 August 2010

Celebrate National Day and womanhood at the same time with this promotion by TOUCHE™ Elite via their Facebook Fanpage, Being WOMAN. Simply click on this link here and get started!

How to get a $600 hi-tech facial for $210…

19 July 2010

DNA-RNA Platinum NanoPLUS Treatment

Platinum and silver are used for jewellery but do you know that these precious metals contain anti-bacterial and antioxidants that can be used to achieve exceptional results in skin rejuvenation?

Platinum helps lock in skin moisture while enhancing skin self-defense function. Silver, an anti-bacteria agent used by NASA as a preservative of drinking water, can enhance skin immune system, boost blood circulation, skin metabolism and prevent skin degradation.   

I got a chance to experience this outstanding treatment at TOUCHE™ Elite, and now you can get a chance to try this amazing facial valued at $600 for only $210! Read my review here and then follow the instructions there: