The Treatment Review That Fell Through
21 August 2009

Sculptra consultation
I was all set to review my first filler treatment today. It involves Sculptra, a natural collagen stimulator that will help lift and smooth skin without paralysing facial muscles or limiting your natural facial expressions.
Results include: a youthful appearance with gradual, natural-looking results, skin is also rejuvenated due to the collagen. Treatment with Sculptra can last up to two years.
Naturally, I was excited to witness the results, but, we found out that my candidate, Lee Lee, was allergic to the main ingredient, poly-L-actic acid!
Note to self: Next time, check if candidate has any medical allergies!
In the end, we did a patch test and sent Lee Lee home. If she doesn’t have any allergies, we can do the treatment on her at another date.

Sculptra consultation
I was all set to review my first filler treatment today. It involves Sculptra, a natural collagen stimulator that will help lift and smooth skin without paralysing facial muscles or limiting your natural facial expressions.
Results include: a youthful appearance with gradual, natural-looking results, skin is also rejuvenated due to the collagen. Treatment with Sculptra can last up to two years.
Naturally, I was excited to witness the results, but, we found out that my candidate, Lee Lee, was allergic to the main ingredient, poly-L-actic acid!
Note to self: Next time, check if candidate has any medical allergies!
In the end, we did a patch test and sent Lee Lee home. If she doesn’t have any allergies, we can do the treatment on her at another date.

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