Artisan WiQo MagicLift Treatment
This Italian aesthetic treatment brightens, tightens, smoothens and lifts—with no downtime! Coco Chanel says, “There are no ugly women, only lazy women.” Unfortunately, I am a lazy woman who hates applying make-up. Hence, I have been on a quest—with non-invasive aesthetic treatments, to make my skin as flawless as possible so that I can get […]

The Miracle Of CALECIM®
The stem cell recovery system that heals skin – stat! Stem cell technology is a fascinating and complex area of medical research. Not surprisingly, the potential health breakthroughs of stem cells have been adopted by the cosmetics industry and used to promote stem cell creams and stem cell sera for anti-aging. One of the front-runners is CellResearch Corporation – a cutting edge Singapore-based stem […]

The Power To Glow
Porcelain Aesthetics award-winning Illuminate Facial will give you happy, glowing skin #nofilterneeded! Tucked away in Orchard Gateway is Porcelain Aesthetics, the only outlet by this chain that focuses on machine-based treatments. After hearing so much about their signature extraction facials, I was a little disappointed that all slots at their Cantonment and Tanjong Pagar outlets […]

Skin Changers
Hair removal and skin rejuvenation with this new IPL system is fast, more effective and ouch-free! IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light and the term itself is enough to send shivers of fear up one’s spine if you have been at the brunt of its loud “rubber band” snapping sound and blinding light – especially […]

Aesthetic 101: Trends in 2016
Bio Aesthetic was established with a simple aim in mind: to enable that their patients have the flexibility and option of looking as natural as possible in their fight against Father Time. Their methodology is safe and effective, ensuring that patients can achieve aesthetically pleasing and healthy skin with minimally or non invasive procedures. We […]

Reestablishing a Healthier Look with Dermaroller Therapy
With Christmas round the corner, it’s time for your skin to look its best. An alternative to laser treatments and facials is a skincare option called Dermaroller therapy. What a Dermaroller Looks Like Although Dermaroller devices, also known as micro-needling devices, vary a bit, they all look similar to one another. The hand pieces are usually […]

Reboot Your Skin
Face up to time with Porcelain Aesthetics’s Proionic Facial. Opened in 2014, Porcelain Aesthetics is a stylish cocoon of calm in Orchard Road. Decked out in a chic monochromatic colour scheme, it specialises in equipment-based facials combining comfort and technology. Their latest offering, the Proionic Facial, features the patented, clinically-proven INDIBA Deep Beauty technology that […]