Dr Z Teo
Unhappy with your body shape or desire a sharper face? Then Dr Z Teo, or Dr Z, as his patients call him, is the man to see. This aesthetic doctor is known for his body and face contouring skills which is very popular with patients at his clinic, Z Medical Aesthetics. “Most recently, I reshaped […]

Dr Yuen Siu Mun (Dr SM Yuen)
Talking to Dr SM Yuen is akin to chatting with an old friend, albeit one who knows a lot about aesthetic treatments. Friendly and open, this 33-year-old answered all my questions about laser treatments during our hour-long chat. He was also honest, for example, when I told him that I would like to try the […]

Dr Dana Elliott
Dr Dana Elliott has worked in a number of disciplines including obstetrics, gynaecology, geriatric medicine and palliative medicine at various hospitals. His foray into aestheticmedicine began more than two years ago and was inspired by the wishes of his patients to feel good about themselves and be motivated to stay healthy. “While one one cannot stop the […]

Dr Vanessa Phua
It is easy to see why Dr Vanessa Phua is popular with her patients. Petite and pretty, this physician with an interest in aesthetic medicine also has a very nurturing personality which immediately puts you at ease. Trained as an ophthalmologist in the United Kingdom, Dr Vanessa Phua worked at the National University Hospital for […]