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Doctors’ Testimonials:

– Dr Dana Elliott
Every person who wants to be educated on our services must read her write-ups! If a doctor wants the public to know about his or her treatments, Pearlin’s site is a good place to start. Kudos to Pearlin for empowering readers to make informed decisions and also partake in the laser treatment reviews to experience the results themselves!”

– Dr Z Teo
“I’ve been getting a steady stream of patients after being featured on Pearlin’s website. In fact, I just had two patients this morning! She is quick and professional with her reviews and very easy to work with. In fact, she taught me how to leverage the power of social media to generate online buzz. Definitely worth the marketing investment!”
“With Pearlin’s advice, I was able to get my website ranked on page one of Google in a few short months. Her experience in social media and her own anti aging website provides her with knowledge on what is required to be positioned as an expert online and get more patients.”
Get Featured!
Do you want to increase your online presence?
Are you keen to broadcast your services to thousands on the Internet?
Do you want to create buzz and build a group of loyal fans?
Be featured in Singapore’s only aesthetics magazine where I am the Editor? More info here:
It features the best reviews on anti aging and laser treatments and is the premier portal for women and men seeking anti aging and laser treatment procedures.
Let me show you how to:
Leverage the power of social media
– By identifying and enlisting the help of Online Influencers to market your services
– By tapping onto the world’s largest social network to build a big group of loyal fans
Boost your online branding
– With a well-written, magazine-style advertorial in Singapore’s first anti aging website
Manage and grown your online community
– By having the expertise of a community leader who will work with Online Influencers to grow your fan base and maintain their interest so that they continue to spread the word for you
Examples of my work here: website statistics:
Audience profile (based on a recent survey):
80% aged between 25 to 35 years old
Mostly working executives
Major skin problems are acne and acne scars
They are very focused and visit my website looking for a solution to their problems
Looking out for good promotions and special rates
For advertising, product and treatment reviews, drop me an email: pearlin(@) – remember to take away the brackets