Painless Skin Tightening
In this era of Thermage and Ulthera – both with high ouch-factors, it is nice to know that there is another way to tighten and reshape face contours comfortably. Strangely, for someone who has done over 60 treatments (not all on my face!) and counting, I have yet to try RF (radiofrequency), so when given […]

In Pursuit Of Korean Eyebrows
I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with my eyebrows. First of all, I was cursed with scanty eyebrows (just part of my genetic Chinese blood) – I look like one of those people who had half their brows shaven when they were drunk by friends, except that mine was all-natural! Then, the waif and Kate […]

Aesthetics & Beauty October issue out now!
In a blink of a mascara-ed eye, we are nearing the end of 2013. And, what a year it has been – with a continuous slew of new beauty treatments and aesthetic machines, all of which we have diligently reviewed for you. Have you tried them and what is your favourite so far? The end […]

GentleMAX – The Ouch-free Brazilian Laser
We all desire to have skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom, even down in our nether regions. GentleMAX by Candela may be the answer you’re looking for! I’d like to think that I’m a veteran when it comes to Brazilian hair removal – waxing, IPL, facial, I’ve tried them all. For someone covered with […]