The Biggest Loser – get the skinny on the latest fat loss treatments and more in the latest issue of Aesthetics & Beauty!
1. Indiba Indiba Deep Beauty Proionic Body Care System uses a radio-frequency wave to “burn fats”. A massage head that emits the radio-frequency energy is rolled over the midriff with a massaging action. This raises the temperature of the internal tissues, breaks up fat cells, speeds up the metabolism and drains out toxins. It works […]

Bye Bye Belly
Liposonix uses high-intensity targeted ultrasound energy to whittle your not-so-lovely love handles. One of the signs of aging for males (and females) is an expanding waistline and potbelly. This is usually inevitable in our sedentary lifestyle where food and entertainment takes precedence over exercise. Even the diligent ones who work out regularly will have to […]