Punch.Drunk.Love – Why Boxing Is My New Anti Aging Drug
Gloves, a sandbag, crazy cardio and strength-training = your antidote to looking and feeling younger (dopamine alert!). I have to admit – the images of sexy and lissom Victoria Secret models as well as IT girls, Gigi Hadid and Cara Delavigne, swearing that boxing is their go-to sport for their enviable physiques, first piqued my interest […]

Sway With Ease
Strala yoga feels like a moving meditation and brings on stronger mind and body connection. Apparently yoga can be stressful when done wrongly. Every time you force yourself into a pose, you release cortisol, a stress hormone instead of relaxing. Strala yoga aims to change all that with its gentle yet effective classes, which teaches […]

Aesthetics & Beauty January 2014 – out now!
I finally did it! Let me backtrack a little here…since I started working at Aesthetics & Beauty three years ago, I have never shied away from trying all kinds of new-fangled beauty treatments. However, I have always resisted injectables. Somehow, that seemed to me, invasive and I felt that I did not need that for […]