Festive Face Forward: A DermaV Laser Review
Look your best this party season with this time-saving multi-tasker. Heigh ho! As the holiday season ushers in a whirlwind of festivities, the perennial quest for radiant and flawless skin becomes more fervent than ever. Enter the DermaV laser, a multitasking marvel that promises to elevate your party-ready look with ease. This laser treatment is […]

Face on Fleek
Touted to be better than Thermage and Ulthera, we put our face to the test with Fotona 5D Laser Lift. What a year 2020 has been! This unprecedented year has definitely added a few worry lines and white hair to me. And with the new year looming, I was determined to erase the worries of […]

The Miracle Of CALECIM®
The stem cell recovery system that heals skin – stat! Stem cell technology is a fascinating and complex area of medical research. Not surprisingly, the potential health breakthroughs of stem cells have been adopted by the cosmetics industry and used to promote stem cell creams and stem cell sera for anti-aging. One of the front-runners is CellResearch Corporation – a cutting edge Singapore-based stem […]