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REVIEW:DNA-RNA Platinum NanoPLUS Treatment

Platinum and silver are used for jewellery but do you know that these precious metals contain anti-bacterial and antioxidants that can be used to achieve exceptional results in skin rejuvenation? Well, neither did I and thanks to ever-forward spa, TOUCHE™ Elite, I got a chance to experience this outstanding treatment. According to  TOUCHE™ Elite, their patented technology uses 99.99% pure platinum silver nanocolloids to reverse aging and recapture youthful skin.  

A quick search online shows skincare junkies raving about this new and revolutionary skincare ingredient - platinum silver nanocolloids. Platinum helps lock in skin moisture while enhancing skin self-defense function. Silver, an anti-bacteria agent used by NASA as a preservative of drinking water, can enhance skin immune system, boost blood circulation, skin metabolism and prevent skin degradation.   

Treatment process: 

 platinum silver nano colloid treatments

platinum silver nano colloid treatment


My therapist started my treatment with a soothing aromatherapy massage. This was followed by double cleansing, an eye scrub and a stimulating shoulder scrub. To remove dead skin cells on my face, a micropeel was done, using a metal handpiece to lightly scrap my face. This also helps loosen blackheads, making them easier to extract later. 



Extraction was next and I liked that she was thorough yet the process was relatively pain-free. Yay, to no more clogged pores! Then came the high-tech part and the star of the facial – the nano technology. A machine is wheeled into the room and the platinum serum which comes in a small glass tube is placed in the machine and a loud snapping sound was heard. This machine helps to infuse the platinum with the serum which my therapist then applied on my face.  An LED light therapy handpiece is used to effectively massage the goodness into my skin. To demonstrate the beneficial properties of the serum, my therapist applied the serum only on the left side of my face and when I compared both sides, I saw that the slight redness from the extraction on my left side was visibly soothed and my pores looked finer. Amazing! 

The next step of the facial was my favourite – a firm and uplifting facial massage using a special Coenzyme Q10 collagen cream. My therapist was skilful with her strokes and I zoned out in bliss for 15 minutes, enjoying every second of her massage. Lastly, a triple collagen mask (Tri- CollafenPLUS Marine Therapy) that looked like jelly was placed on my face and left for 20 minutes.  


 tri collagen mask  after facial


I really enjoyed this pampering and ultra-luxurious facial. I liked that my therapist was generous with her massages and gave me frequent shoulder rubs. She was also knowledgeable and I learnt that for a cleaner face and less blackheads, I should use a make-up remover first to clean my face before washing it. I left TOUCHE™ Elite armed with new skincare tips and smoother, fairer and happier skin! 

DNA-RNA Platinum NanoPLUS Treatment 

Duration:  2 hours 

Cost:  $600 ala carte price 


Exclusive for my readers! 


The ELITE  DNA-RNA Platinum NanoPLUS Treatment @  $210 (UP$600)  


RECAPTURE  your youth and REVERSE Aging with this magnificent process of Nano-science technology! 


Ø   Generate pure 99.99% Platinum Nano cluster  

Ø   Eliminate activated oxygen for optimum anti-oxidant activity

Ø   Stimulate collagen synthesis to effectively eliminate wrinkles, lines and crow's feet


This treatment is available to you  @ $210* from now till 30th September 2010. (Terms and Conditions apply)


The Exclusive Elite Giveaway with any purchase of the above! 



Enjoy a Free Luxurious AromaSpa Body Massage worth $118 when you make an appointment for DNA-RNA Platinum NanoPLUS Treatment,  from Mondays to Fridays, 12pm to 4pm.* 


Terms and Conditions* 

· Valid for first time customers aged 21 years and above only. 

·  Strictly for residents of Singapore only. 

· Advance booking is required. Please quote “review anti aging” when you make your appointment

· Complimentary massage is extended from Mondays-Fridays 12pm-4pm when you purchase DNA-RNA Platinum NanoPLUS Treatment@ $210. 

·  Please present I/C for verification purposes. 

· Not valid with other offers, services and promotions. 

·  Treatment(s) to be done on a single visit. 

·The management reserves the right to change the above conditions without prior notice. 

· Valid till 30th September 2010. 



TOUCHE™ Elite 
442 Orchard Road #01-13 Orchard Hotel Shopping Arcade 

Tel: 6221-6612 

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