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Quickie Exercises


quickie exercise


One of the most over-used excuses for not exercising is the lack of time. Here’s how to squeeze fat-blasting workouts into your everyday routine. 


At home 


If you have 5 minutes:  

Try simple calisthenics like arm swinging, trunk side-bending, sit-ups, push-ups, half-squats and stretching of arm and leg muscles. 


A more toned and relaxed body 


If you have 10 minutes: 

Engage in some skipping or aerobic dance routine (either free form or with a video DVD/CD). 


A short burst of cardiovascular exercise to burn some calories. 


If you have 15 minutes: 

Walk up and down stairs (use the common stairs outside if you are living in a flat or condominium). 


Defined hamstrings and quadriceps as well as shapelier calves. 


If you have 20 minutes: 

Take a brisk walk to the neighbourhood shop for some quick shopping. Push the trolley and squat/bend up and down as you browse the supermarket aisles. 


A brief full body workout. 

At work 


If you have 5 minutes: 

Tone up arms with bicep curls. Hold a file in each outstretched arm in front of you, slowly flex elbows and touch the file to your shoulders, then bring arms back to starting position. 


Goodbye, underarm jiggle! 


If you have 10 minutes: 

Stretch and tone your sides with a seated side-bend. Seating upright, carry files on each outstretched hand and take deep breaths as you lower your body to the right and left slowly. 


Banishes spare tires and keeps your spine flexible. 


If you have 15 minutes: 

Alight one bus-stop before your designated stop and take a short power walk down to your office. Alternatively, you can also skip the escalators and take the stairs at the train stations. 


Provides a quick energy boost and helps tone glutes and legs.  

If you have 20 minutes: 

Offer to buy lunch for your colleagues. Take a brisk walk to food stalls and carry the packets of food back. Take the stairs if you have spare time. 


A quick calorie burn and lower and upper body workout. 


At home 


If you have 5 minutes: 

Transform your couch into a workout tool. Try body weight squats – standing in front of your couch, lower your body until your bottom touches the couch, then slowly raising yourself up to starting position. 


A great flab buster for butt and thighs. 


If you have 10 minutes: 

Relieve tight back muscles with cat stretches. Get on all fours, inhale deeply and let your body relax. Exhale slowly and “pull” tummy towards spine. 


Tones up stomach muscles and eases tension in the back. 


If you 15 minutes: 

Set aside some time every weekend to clean your house. Vacuum, mop, wipe and do the laundry, whatever you have to do to keep your place spick and span. 


A full-body workout. Reaching for hard-to-reach corners will also give you a full stretch. 


If you have 20 minutes: 

Play with your kids – hop scotch, skipping or hide-and-seek. Alternatively, try running on the spot or skipping while watching television. 


All the running and jumping around will work up a sweat and burn some calories. 


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