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READER REVIEW: Pixel Skin Resurfacing Skin Laser Treatment 

Aesthetician: Dr Z Teo

Duration: 30 minutes

Cost: $300 per session promotional price for first 10 readers of (U.P. $350)

Location: Z Medical Aesthetics

Laser Treatment - Review of Pixel Skin Resurfacing 

Pixel skin resurfacing aims to improve skin texture and tone, smoothen wrinkles and diminish pigmentation, all without much pain and very little downtime. This laser treatment is based on the principle of micro-thermal treatment zones. The laser pulses treats small zones of the skin, leaving surrounding tissues untouched and intact, so these large unaffected areas act as a reservoir for more effective and rapid tissue healing and collagen production. “The skin is a living organ and generates new skin cells every two to three weeks. If you don’t clean and resurface with lasers or microdermabrasion, the old cells on top will make the skin look dull. Just like a window which will look murky if you don’t clean regularly,” explains Dr Z on how laser treatments work. Pretty interesting analogy!

carol before pixel resurfacing laser treatment

Carol's skin before Pixel Skin Resurfacing laser treatment.

Dr Z first examines Carol’s face to assess her skin condition. Noting that she has some skin pigmentation and very light scars, he says that he will give her a mild laser treatment suitable for her skin type. She is then taken to a room where a numbing cream is applied and left on for 20 minutes to minimise discomfort during the treatment process.  

Laser treatment process: 

pixel skin resurfacing laser treatment

After cleansing the numbing cream off Carol’s face, Dr Z starts his laser treatment, slowly going over each section of her face with the laser. There is a spark when the laser beam hits the face and a slight burning smell. A fan is directed to cool as well as blow the smell away from Carol. There is not much pain except for some heat generated by the laser beam.

ice compress after pixel skin resurfacing

Iced compresses are placed on Carol’s face after the treatment to soothe the skin. She is also given sunblock to apply on her face. Dr Z tells her that there will be some redness and her pigmented spots may turn dark and peel off. After about three days, Carol should expect to see a smoother complexion with smaller pores and a nice glow. 


carol after

According to Carol, her skin felt sore and raw on the day itself when she cleansed her face. It felt better the next day and started to peel. The dots on her face where the laser beams penetrated also became more obvious.

It took almost a week for the dead skin to peel off her face and she noticed that although her scar marks are still there, they look a shade lighter, her pores are more refined and her skin also looks more radiant.

Z Medical Aesthetics is located at :

Orchard Paragon
290 Orchard Road, #11-04/05
Paragon Medical Suites, Singapore 238859
Tel: 6235-2343       

Jurong Point Shopping Centre
Jurong West Central 2, Jurong Point Shopping Centre
#B1A-20A, Tel: 6792-2370    


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- Dr Z Teo -