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Welcome to Review AntiAging — Your guide on how to select the best anti aging and laser treatments for you! Learn about the industry's most advanced skin care treatments and be connected with your area's most respected aesthetic professionals. Simply choose a condition or treatment below to get started!


Non Surgical Face Lift Special 

ulthera the non surgical face lift

Ulthera is a revolution in the field of skin tightening treatments. It is the first ever aesthetic treatment that incorporates ultrasound imaging for the visualisation of tissue beneath the skin’s surface. Guided by the ultrasound scan of the skin's different layers, doctors can, for the first time ever in the history of aesthetic treatments, deliver focused energy at prescribed depths within the skin. The energy enables a significant lifting of skin tissue while leaving superficial layers completely intact.

The energy triggers a healing response which makes skin more elastic and more radiant. Skin forms new and improved collagen, which gradually tightens and lifts the skin from within. Collagen and elastin fibers are the main supportive structures within the skin against gravitational effects. Forget two weeks downtime, this procedure involves absolutely no recovery time as there is no breakage of skin.

Ulthera is suitable for everyone - no matter what race and age. With over 1000 patients treated worldwide, Ultherapy (skin-tightening with Ulthera) has been shown to produce significant lifting of lax skin. In the pivotal trial, noticeable improvement occurred in nearly 9 out of 10 patients (89 percent) resulting in less hooding or skin laxity on the upper eyelid and a more open, refreshed appearance overall. Study patients noted lifting, tightening and firming in other areas of the face and neck as well, such as the cheeks and along the jawline. Results developed gradually over a 90-day period following treatment and results can last up to four years!

Remember, it is all about maintenance and prevention of your skin from aging, not treating the problems when they appear. Imagine this: If you start your anti aging treatments now, five years down the road, you will still be wrinkle-free while your friends have developed crow’s feet! 

Preventive Anti Aging Expert 


dr david loh

Dr David Loh is famous for his advanced BOTOX techniques, being the official Allergan appointed trainer for all new doctors in Singapore. Patients from all over the world come to Dr David Loh for discrete cosmetic improvements at his clinic, David Loh Surgery at Wheelock Place. One of the first clinics in Singapore to offer aesthetics, Dr Loh introduced the Titan Non-surgical facelift and Smartlipo in 2005 to Singapore and regionally. His clinic is also one of the first clinics in Singapore to perform VASER LipoSelection and High Definition Vaser in 2007. 

Dr David Loh is a general practitioner with a special interest in aesthetics medicine. He obtained his basic medical and surgical degree from the National University of Singapore and holds a Masters of Science from the University of Wales, UK. A certified laser practitioner, he has 18 years of working experience, 13 years of which were in aesthetics. He is the current Secretary of the Society of Aesthetics Medicine, Singapore (SAM) and Conference of Aesthetic Medicine (CAM) and regularly lectures on various topics in aesthetics medicine for doctors around the region. As the official trainer on advanced BOTOX and Filler techniques, Dr Loh regularly hosts and conducts workshops for doctors from all disciplines in the South-East Asia region.

Ask The Expert Featuring Dr David Loh 

1. What is preventive anti aging?

This is a whole new concept where we approach the problem of aging way before aging sets in. Look at your mum and you will know how you will age. Why wait till then to seek treatment? It is easier to do treatments to maintain your skin now then treat the problems later.

2. At what age does skin start to age? 

Your skin actually starts to age immediately after puberty. However, even though your collagen is lessened, it is still able to heal itself quickly. This starts to slow down in the late 30s and 40s where actual signs of aging like sagging and wrinkles appear.

Your lifestyle also plays a big part in your aging process, so if you smoke and sun tan a lot, your skin's aging will be accelerated.

3. Do genes play a big part in how we will age? 

It does. Genetics determine your skin's healing process. Certain races age better like Asians and African-Americans compared to Caucasians. Your face structure is also important when it comes to aging well. For example, certain features like thick lips can make a person look youthful.

4. I’m only in my 20s, do I need to do any anti aging treatments? Why? 

You need to be aware of what environmental damage can do to your skin and start using skin care that protects. Maintanence is better than cure so you can start doing gentle laser and IPL treatments to regenerate collagen and keep your skin in good condition.

5. Will doing these treatments early make my skin more resistant to them as I get older?  

No, in fact, it's been scientifically proven that fillers actually stimulate collagen and improve skin tone. If you test skin before and six months after it's had filler injections, you will see that the new skin has more collagen.

These treatments actually improve your skin's baseline and takes it to a higher level so that you age slower.

6. What are some treatments to do for skin maintenance? 

You can start with fillers to improve collagen and IPL to take away freckles, reduce acne and acne marks.

7. How do these treatments compare to anti aging creams? 

Unlike the treatments above, creams can only go so far. Our skin is an excellent barrier against dust, oils, etc. That's why sonophoresis machines have been used to drive the molecules of creams into our skin in some beauty treatments. Creams have to be designed very well to be able to deliver nutrients on its own.

Creams have their own place of course - it is comforting to use them when your skin feels dry. It just has to be formulated very well to be able to deliver its benefits.

8. In your experience, what is the best anti aging treatment available and why?

So far, Ulthera has been the most revolutionary as it is able to look into the many layers of skin and deliver the precise dosage without harming the epidermis. Patients are able to get a firmer and tighter face just from one treatment!

9. What other benefits does Ulthera have? 

It stimulates collagen, reduces lines and gives you an overall radiant look.

10. Can we delay our skin from aging and how? 

Realistically, we can't delay our skin from aging but we can hold back the signs of aging that chronological age will show. In the last 20 years, there have been a lot of advances in technology like non-ablative lasers, Thermage, Titan and Ulthera - many affordable treatments that have been scientifically proven to deliver results. So, you can delay the signs of aging even though you can't delay aging itself!

>> Click here to read my review of Ulthera with Dr David Loh

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