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 Dr Dana Elliott

Dr Dana Elliott

Dr Dana Elliott has worked in a number of disciplines including obstetrics, gynaecology, geriatric medicine and palliative medicine at various hospitals. His foray into aesthetic medicine began more than two years ago and was inspired by the wishes of his patients to feel good about themselves and be motivated to stay healthy. "While one one cannot stop the aging process, looking and feeling old is entirely optional," he says.

His experience with various disciplines in medicine has resulted in the fruition of his philosophy of pro-active prevention of diseases. Dr Dana Elliott’s interest in the field of medicine goes beyond his day-to-day practice. He firmly believes in enhancing and enriching patients’ lives through the active prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. By doing so, he believes that the quality of life can be greatly improved and the ageing process slowed down.

Dr Dana Elliott sees obesity to be the number one issue facing the healthcare industry since it concerns not just health but also aesthetic and self esteem issues. In addressing self-esteem issues, he believes that one will gain a greater self-motivation to remain healthy when they feel confident about themselves.
Dr Dana Elliott graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). He is currently the honorary secretary of the Anti-Aging and Aesthetics Medicine Society of Singapore.

Dr Dana Elliott's practice: 


VIP Healthcare

Contact: 94768047


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