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Dr Colin Tham

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Dr Colin Tham is an accredited specialist plastic surgeon in private practice. He obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1992. He proceeded with his basic and advanced specialty training in plastic surgery with the Singapore General Hospital and was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland) in 1999.

This specialist in plastic surgery is also a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine (Singapore) and a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He is an executive committee member of the Singapore Society of Cosmetic (Aesthetic) Surgery and the Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons.

Dr Tham subspecialises in the field of aesthetics. In 2003, he was the one and only specialist plastic surgeon to be awarded a fellowship at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taiwan) to study Oriental Aesthetic surgery by the government's Human Manpower Development Programme (HMDP). In 2005, he set up the Aesthetic Centre in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (Singapore), where he still returns as a visiting consultant.

Dr Tham left the public sector in 2006 to join Asia HealthPartners, where he is currently the Director of the Aesthetics Division. He continues to hone his craft on the cutting edge of both cosmetic surgery and non-invasive aesthetic procedures. He has special interest in eyelid surgery, breast enhancement and hi-definition liposculpture.

Dr Colin Tham's clinic: 


Asia Health Partners

304 Orchard Road #05-06 Lucky Plaza, Tel: 6235 7888


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