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- Dr Z Teo -

REVIEW: Ferulic Acid Chemical Peel   

When I think of chemical peels, red and raw skin comes to mind. So, when Dr Vanessa Phua offered to let me try her new Ferulic Acid Chemical Peel, I was well-prepared with a cap to cover my face and ready to hibernate at home for the next few days. 

All this was not necessary as this new chemical peel has no downtime at all. However, despite this, it has more antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities than other chemical peels, with its combination of skin rejuvenating ferulic acid, vitamins A, C, E, citric and lactic acids. It is suitable for all skin types, and can be used for the neck, hands, back and décolletage as well. “You’ll look instantly more radiant and regular treatments will help reduce sunspots, wrinkles and pigmentation significantly as it encourages collagen to grow from within,” adds Dr Phua.

Treatment process: 

ferulic acid peel

After cleansing my face, Dr Phua sprayed a chemical-smelling primer on my face and left it on to let it prepare my skin to absorb the acid. Next, the ferulic acid was sprayed on and massaged into my skin. This was followed by an emollient to set the acid. Lastly, sunblock was applied on top of all the skin goodies.  

ferulic acid products used

Products used for the Ferulic Acid Chemical Peel


 before peel

Before peel

 after peel

After peel


My skin had a slight glow after the ferulic acid chemical peel, but this could be due to the products applied. I was really relieved that I looked “normal” and could carry on with my daily activities. Dr Phua said that mild peeling can be expected after three days and my skin condition will peak in about five days. At the end of the long day, I noticed that my normally oily skin was under control and my complexion looked healthy and fresh.


It's Day 4 and my skin started flaking slightly yesterday. What's amazing is that the ferulic acid drew the impurities underneath my skin to the top and I was able to extract them gently without leaving any marks! My skin also looked really refined and some people thought I was wearing foundation.

Ferulic Acid Chemical Peel 

Duration:  20 minutes

Cost:  $200 


Asia HealthPartners
304 Orchard Road Lucky Plaza #05-06
Singapore 238863
Tel: 6235 8411

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