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Welcome to Review AntiAging — Your guide on how to select the best anti aging and laser treatments for you! Learn about the industry's most advanced skin care treatments and be connected with your area's most respected aesthetic professionals. Simply choose a condition or treatment below to get started!


Laser Treatments For Specific Problems

laser treatments

Problem: Remove scars and lines

Laser treatment: Laser skin resurfacing

How: New lasers these days only remove a fraction of the skin using thousands of microscopic laser spots. There is less downtime as the laser only removes old skin leaving healthy skin intact. The latest in lasers are the Q-switched Nd: YAG system such as the Spectra VRM III, that photomechanically removes pigmented lesions. This non-ablative laser breaks the pigments into tiny fragments which are then absorbed through the body's natural mechanisms.

For deeper wrinkles or scars, an ablative CO2 laser like the Fraxel CO2 may be more effective. This procedure starts off with cleansing and microdermabrasion followed by full face passes of the laser onto skin that's dusted with micronised carbon particles. Heating of these particles cause skin tightening and contraction, rejuvenating the skin for a refreshed, youthful look.

Problem: Firm up sagging face

Laser treatment: Thermal firming

How: Thermage came about when doctors noticed that skin became stronger after burns, so they set about recreating the same thermal damage, but without the scars. Thermage machines are deep-heating machines which cause a controlled injury inside skin to stimulate your body's natural renewal process which tightens existing collagen and forms new collagen.

Machines like Thermage and Accent Unilage are good for fixing skin laxity - problems like sagging jawline and deep nasolabial folds. There is little downtime but it can hurt, so an anaesthetic cream will be used before the procedure. The advantage is, you'll see the difference after one session and in the case of Thermage, one session can last for two years.

Problem: Get rid of sunspots, acne scars, facial veins and broken capillaries

Laser treatment: Clarifying treatments like IPL

How: Photorejuvenation using IPL is one of the most effective, non-ablative treatments to reduce skin blemishes such as acne scars, sun spots, facial veins and broken capillaries. IPL focuses on blemished areas targeting unwanted pigmentation but keeping the skin intact. This stimulates the growth of new skin in the treated area. This new skin makes the scars or blemish less noticeable.

IPL can be used for the face, neck, chest, arms and hands as well as hair removal. You'll hear a snapping, popping sound during the treatment. It doens't hurt but it may sting. The number of treatments depend on your skin colour and what's being treated.

Learn more about anti aging and laser treatments:   

Thermage is an anti aging laser treatment that uses deep heat to rejuvenate and tighten deep skin tissue which causes fat cells to disrupt and skin to tighten. 
Botox is an anti wrinkle treatment can help take away those stress lines which can make you look angry even when you aren’t. 
Radiesse wrinkle filler is a next-generation product that does more than fill in lines and wrinkles. 
How rosacea or redness of the skin, is treated with laser treatment.   
IPL is used to treat acne scars and pigmentation as well as other skin conditions.   
A form of IPL, this anti aging laser treatment can be used to treat pigmentation like freckles, age spots and rosacea.   
How radiowave technology can be used to remove moles, age spots, skin tags and warts.  
A laser treatment such as one using the Spectra VRM II is a good choice for tattoo and scar removal treatments. Find out how. 
Microdermabrasion is commonly used for wrinkles and acne scars. This anti aging treatment can also be used to treat acne, dull skin, enlarged pores and blemishes. 
Using IPL, laser hair treatment slows the growing capacity of follicles in the hair growth cycle at the time of the treatment and is a hi-tech way of removing hair permanently.  
Breast enlargement without plastic surgery is now possible with breast fillers. 
Cellulite skin treatment using Radio Frequency. Say goodbye to dimpled and orange peel skin forever.  
LipoSelection uses state-of-the-art technology to reshape your body - providing smoother and faster results.   
A chemical peel is a facial treatment using acid on the skin to achieve a controlled burn to the top layers of the skin.   

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