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Skin Care - How Does The Aging Face Look Like?


Age, hormones, sun exposure, smoking all have a part to play in causing fine lines and wrinkles. Skin starts to feel more fragile and less elastic as we get older. As our age increases, the natural hyaluronic acid content of our skin - important for water retention - decreases.

The oil producing (sebaceous) glands become less active and your skin becomes drier. The skin also loses fat, so it looks less plump and smooth. It loses its youthful colour and glow as well. Gravity also kicks in, pulling down the skin and causing it to sag.

What happens to your skin as you get older?

Age 25 - Visible aging of the skin starts and the skin replaces old cells more slowly.

Age 30 - More fine lines develop as collagen and elastin start to break down and the delicate skin under the eyes begins to thin.

Age 40 - Deeper lines begin to etch around the mouth and eyes. Furrows appear on the forehead and circles under the eyes may grow into pouches. Skin becomes noticeably drier.

Age 45+ - The skin becomes thinner, partly because of the hormonal changes, and more sensitive to irritating environmental factors and allergans. The skin loses much of its strength and elasticity.

Age 50+ - Age spots start to appear. This is a more common occurence for fair-skinned people.

Two major components of facial aging:

- Dynamic lines which are due to muscular hyperactivity.

- Static lines which are due to volume loss.

Treating both of these main components of facial aging can lead to a natural and refreshed appearance that will take years off the aged face.


Learn more about anti aging and laser treatments:  
Thermage is an anti aging laser treatment that uses deep heat to rejuvenate and tighten deep skin tissue which causes fat cells to disrupt and skin to tighten. 
Botox is an anti wrinkle treatment can help take away those stress lines which can make you look angry even when you aren’t. 
Radiesse wrinkle filler is a next-generation product that does more than fill in lines and wrinkles. 
How rosacea or redness of the skin, is treated with laser treatment.   
IPL is used to treat acne scars and pigmentation as well as other skin conditions.   
A form of IPL, this anti aging laser treatment can be used to treat pigmentation like freckles, age spots and rosacea.   
How radiowave technology can be used to remove moles, age spots, skin tags and warts.  
A laser treatment such as one using the Spectra VRM II is a good choice for tattoo and scar removal treatments. Find out how. 
Microdermabrasion is commonly used for wrinkles and acne scars. This anti aging treatment can also be used to treat acne, dull skin, enlarged pores and blemishes. 
Using IPL, laser hair treatment slows the growing capacity of follicles in the hair growth cycle at the time of the treatment and is a hi-tech way of removing hair permanently.  
Breast enlargement without plastic surgery is now possible with breast fillers. 
Cellulite skin treatment using Radio Frequency. Say goodbye to dimpled and orange peel skin forever. 
LipoSelection uses state-of-the-art technology to reshape your body - providing smoother and faster results.  
A chemical peel is a facial treatment using acid on the skin to achieve a controlled burn to the top layers of the skin.   

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