My Invisalign Journey
A New Smile in Progress. I’ve always had an overbite, but instead of wearing braces like all my friends in school, I embraced it and made my “Bugs Bunny” teeth part of my identity. However, in the last few years, I started to notice that my teeth had shifted and my overbite was becoming more […]

Artisan WiQo MagicLift Treatment
This Italian aesthetic treatment brightens, tightens, smoothens and lifts—with no downtime! Coco Chanel says, “There are no ugly women, only lazy women.” Unfortunately, I am a lazy woman who hates applying make-up. Hence, I have been on a quest—with non-invasive aesthetic treatments, to make my skin as flawless as possible so that I can get […]

Disheartened Girl’s Guide to Getting Body Beautiful
Maybe you’re not born with it, but don’t worry, let the hi-tech treatments at Amaris B. Clinic help you achieve the body of your dreams. The pressure to look good is palpable in today’s Insta-world. Scroll through your Instagram feed and you’ll see endless pictures of women (and men!) flaunting their perfect figures – full […]

Intraoral Laser For Skin Tightening
This revolutionary technology at IDS Clinic uses a dual-prong treatment to lift and tighten skin. When I first received the press release about this innovative treatment, I did a double take. Then, I thought – how ingenious and had to give it a try. Called the IDS Laser Lift, this is a non-invasive treatment that […]

All You Need To Know About XEOMIN®
Why the latest botulinum toxin approved for aesthetic use in Singapore may just give Botox a run for its money. The third botulinum neurotoxin to be approved in Singapore, XEOMIN® is said to have the lowest foreign protein content of the available botulinum neurotoxin preparations, leaving only the purified neurotoxin as the active ingredient. “In […]

What’s Hot In Aesthetics: Combination Treatments
The hottest trends in facial rejuvenation are combination treatments. In the past, patients tend to go for just one type of treatment, for example, Intense Pulsed Light. Now, various treatments are combined to achieve the best results: Peeling, Botulinum and filler injections, Laser, Radiofrequency and Intense Pulsed Light. Each treatment tackles a different dimension of […]

Bye Bye Belly
Liposonix uses high-intensity targeted ultrasound energy to whittle your not-so-lovely love handles. One of the signs of aging for males (and females) is an expanding waistline and potbelly. This is usually inevitable in our sedentary lifestyle where food and entertainment takes precedence over exercise. Even the diligent ones who work out regularly will have to […]

Skin Resuscitation!
In my line of work, I am always advocating proper skincare – which includes staying out of the sun. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done, especially when you are on a beach vacation in sunny Krabi. As a result, I ended up being sunburnt, with rough, dark skin – both on my face and […]

Get glowing with minimum downtime!
Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that refreshes the skin from inside out. The laser energy creates millions of microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue. What to expect during treatment: Being a laser virgin, I was initially worried about the potential pain and after-effects of the […]

Anti-aging Tip: Get A Glow Job!
Turn back time with this luxurious facial. Last month, I did something I shouldn’t – I did water sports in Cambodia without adequate sunblock. As a result, my face and body got sunburnt very badly. When I came back, I plastered my face with aloe vera masks but my skin still looked dull and dehydrated. […]